M & Th: 8-4
T-W: 8-6 & F: 8-1

P: (201) 391-4977
F: (201) 391-8830

188 Pascack Rd
Woodcliff Lake, NJ

Finance & Tax

Finance Contact

Jonathan DeJoseph
201.391.4977 ext. 221
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Megan Doherty
201.391.4977 ext. 208
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Elisa Newman
Finance/Accounts Payable
201.391.4977 ext. 202
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Josh Salles
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Tax Collector Contact

Fran Scordo
Tax Collector
201.391.4977 ext. 201
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The Tax Collector is part time and therefore not in daily. You can leave a message on her voicemail or email and she will respond.

The Tax Department is located in the Municipal Complex at: 188 Pascack Road

Finance Information

The Finance Department takes care of Purchasing, Accounts Payable, Payroll and Benefits.

From the tax department

Taxes are due February 1, May 1, August 1 and November 1 of every year with a grace period of 10 days unless otherwise stated. Period of 10 days unless otherwise stated. Tax installments not paid by the due date are subject to 8% interest on the first $1,500.00 of the delinquency and 18% on any amount in excess of $1,500.00.  Also, any delinquency exceeding $10,000.00 at the end of the collection year will be assessed a 6% penalty. Delinquent taxes unpaid for the prior year(s) are included in a tax sale in accordance with New Jersey statutes. 

You may mail your payments, drop them off at Borough Hall OR pay online at www.wclnj.com Please place tax payments in a sealed envelope marked “TAX COLLECTOR” with tax stub and check; NO CASHInclude self-addressed stamped return envelope if receipt needed.

Mail payments to:
Borough of Woodcliff Lake
Attn: Tax Collector
188 Pascack Road
Woodcliff Lake, NJ 07677

Veterans, who were honorably discharged and served in active duty during the following conflicts or wars may apply for a $250 deduction: World Trade Center Rescue & Recovery Operation, Northern/Southern Watch, Operation Iraqi Freedom, Operation Enduring Freedom, Joint Guard Mission-Bosnia and Herzegovina, Joint Endeavor Mission-Bosnia and Herzegovina, Restore Hope Mission-Somalia,Operation Desert Shield/Desert Storm, Panama Peacekeeping Mission, Lebanon Peacekeeping MisSion, Grenada Peacekeeping Mission, Vietnam Conflict, Korean Conflict, and World War II. Dates of Service apply. In order to qualify for the $250 Veteran Deduction you must: Own a residence in Woodcliff Lake as of October 1 of the pretax year. Be Honorably Discharged from active service and provide a copy of your Discharge Papers and DD-214. Have served in one of the conflicts listed. Application: Here.

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NJ Property Tax Relief Programs flyer. Click to open an OCR scanned PDF version of it.

Tax Due Dates

1 May
Taxes Due
Date 05.01.2025
1 Aug
Taxes Due
1 Nov
Taxes Due